Unplugged Activities - From time to time there may be website access problems, internet outages, devices may be faulty or unable to pick up the wifi signal, batteries may run flat etc, on those occasions children may be offered an 'unplugged' activity, ie a technology related activity which does not rely on access to the internet or to a functioning device. Please note that unplugged activities form part of our range of club/camp activities regardless.

Practical Build Activities - Children are unable to take their built models home. Any built models using the Code Cadets kits must be dismantled at the end of the session.

An Informal Club, not a Classroom - At Code Cadets, we pride ourselves on offering a lively and informal 'club’ setting. Unlike the traditional classroom, we don't ‘teach’. Instead, our tutors are present to assist children through a series of self-guided activities, be it block coding, Python, HTML, JavaScript, robotics activities or eSports activities (at our eSports clubs) etc. While children are set on our age-appropriate (flexible) learning pathways, we don't confine children to following a set curriculum, understanding that they come to us after a full day in class or a busy week at school and are looking forward to an informal, fun and interactive session.

Our aim is to provide a welcoming space in the hope of kindling a passion for coding. At Code Cadets, we work hard and play hard. For younger children, a typical session may involve a guided activity to develop specific coding or robotics skills or computing concepts, followed by the reward of the choice of their own coding or robotics activity.

When We Spot Talent - Getting to know each child individually takes time, and as we become familiar with their abilities, we can tailor activities to match their interests. If we identify natural talent or potential, we eagerly anticipate nurturing and guiding children toward progress. We will never force a child to do an activity they don't want to do - they will be encouraged, not pressurised. As an after-school club and camp, the emphasis is on fun and we wish all children to leave us happy. For a glimpse into a sample after-school or Saturday club coding learning pathway, please see our website. Note, this is a flexible learning pathway, often young children are capable of completing activities aimed at much older children.

Very Young Children – most coding and robotics clubs will only accept children aged 7+. Here at Code Cadets we are happy to have 5 and 6 year olds in the after-school environment on the understanding that activities with this age group are informal, mostly game-based and self-led, while our tutors are on hand to guide, encourage and support as needed. Children are encouraged to learn via investigation of age-appropriate problem-solving apps.

The Use of iPads/Tablets - At some schools we only have the option to use iPads/tablets with all or most pupils. Some children also attend clubs and camps with their own tablets. It is important to note that progress is very limited on a tablet. Some older pupils enjoy coding on their own iPads but these tend to have larger screen sizes and they have an attached keyboard. Younger children using iPads/tablets in the school, club or camp environment are more limited in terms of the coding activities which can be accessed and therefore progress is more limited.

Behaviour - At Code Cadets, we treat each other with kindness and respect and children are expected to behave as they would during the school day. Any misbehaviour in schools will be communicated to the school’s senior management team and dealt with in line with the school’s Behaviour Management Policy. If misbehaviour is deemed serious enough or there is a pattern of misbehaviour, in agreement with senior management, a child may lose their place at the club. Similarly, at our Saturday clubs and holiday camps, misbehaviour may result in a child losing their place. A copy of our own Behaviour Management Policy can be found on our website (Club Policies & Documentation).

Online Safety - At after-school clubs, children are expected to abide by their own school’s online safety guidelines, as they would during the school day, and any deviation from this will be dealt with by school senior management in line with the school’s Online Safety Policy. At our Saturday clubs and holiday camps it is expected that children will still follow the guidelines issued by their own school, and can refer to Code Cadets’ online safety policy as a reminder of what are universally accepted guidelines. Children will access various age-appropriate online platforms while at the club or camp and are advised to create anonymous login details for this purpose, or will be provided with anonymous login details. It is important that, if children wish to continue with their Code Cadets activities outside of the club or camp environment, they are supervised by an adult at all times. We cannot be held responsible for the content of websites or other software created by external providers.

Photography & Filming Policy - we will always ask for permission to photograph/film your child via our booking platform. We may sometimes publish pictures/videos of children on our social media platforms or website but only with your permission. Our policy can be found on our website.

Attendance at the Club - If your child attends a club or camp session for the first time, and doesn’t wish to return, a refund will be processed for subsequent unused sessions. If your child has been attending for 2 or more sessions and no longer wishes to attend the club or camp, a refund for subsequent unused sessions will be processed, provided the place can be filled from the waiting list.

Cancellation of a Session - From time to time a session may be cancelled. This usually happens when the school has an unexpected activity or unscheduled closure.

Payment - Your child’s place at the club or camp is not fully confirmed until payment is received.

Minimum Pupil Numbers - There is a 12 child minimum, so a club or camp may not be able to run if the numbers do not reach that minimum. Our maximum limit is flexible in accordance with age group, child ability levels and child to tutor ratios.

Your Contact Details - Please allow us to add your email address to our contact list. If you wouldn't like us to do so, please let us know by emailing jack@codecadets.co.uk.